Fresh Food, Small Farms and the Cooperative Way

Jen McCoy, Marketing and Outreach Manager

Viroqua is a foodie town. A place where fresh food is celebrated. Where small farms and cooperatives thrive, small businesses grow and innovation and excitement happen around community tables.

At the Viroqua Food Co+op, we are a hub of the local food culture and help grow and support the local food and cooperative economies. For shoppers, we are a year-round local food source; for farmers and producers, we are a year-round market. When members engage in the VFC experience, they contribute to vibrant local economies that transform our community.

In this collaborative culture, small producers can build a business and pass it on to the next person. So that even as folks move on, the products we love remain and the business moves forward, adding new innovations and ideas along the way. We've seen it through the transition at Meadowlark Organics and, again, with our favorite ferments from Fizzeology. We are excited to see it again as Hidden Springs Creamery in Westby changes hands. In each case, new owners are welcomed, and the previous owner stays to lend support and pass on their work in a caring way.

This model of supported transition can be found at our Co-op as well. On the VFC Board, seven seats have staggered terms. Each year there are two or three seats up for election. This practice allows seasoned board members to orient new members to our cooperative business. Each election adds new ideas and experiences to the board table. With a built-in model of supported transition, and board members elected by our owners, we grow a cooperative business with integrity that best represents everyone it serves.

The VFC Election season has begun. We are excited to have eight VFC Owners ready to volunteer their time and energy to serve on the Board of Directors. Check out their candidacy profiles on our website and come to the Co-op on August 29th from 5 to 7pm to meet the candidates!


Federal Farm and Food Policy Up for a Vote


Board Elections