Good to Grow

Meet Katie-Mae, our Plants and Seeds buyer. She's got the dirt on all things Garden Center this year!

Q: The VFC has a new greenhouse! What makes you the most excited about it?

A: It’s new and shiny! Our plants inside the greenhouse will be much happier. This new build has sophisticated temperature-controlled vents and windows, which are ideal for keeping humidity and heat levels at the perfect balance.

Q: Can we expect local producers to be featured in the greenhouse?

A: Absolutely! Check out our Local Plant Start lists for our producers, and be sure to double-check plant labels. The only non-local varieties are prairie plants, but they are regional. We only supply plants that thrive in our climate, so you will purchase with confidence that they will thrive in your gardens.

Q: What's inside the greenhouse?

A: Mostly veggie plant starts are inside the greenhouse. Some flowers, hanging baskets (just in time for Mother's Day!), and prairie plants are outside the greenhouse on the patio.

Q: If someone is just getting into gardening, what would you suggest to them?

A: Before you break ground, call the Diggers Hotline ((800) 242-8511) to make sure it is safe to dig in your area. Plant your gardens away from black walnut and pine trees, as they make the soil acidic. For beginners, it is best to keep flowers and veggies separate in the first year or two so you can figure out how you like to tend to each garden based on their specific needs.

Q: When should customers expect to put plant starts in the ground?

A: I always suggest that the middle to end of May is the safest. May 16th-20th is a great time to start breaking ground. That’s when to plant long growers in the ground (like brassicas) but plants like delicate herbs should go in the following week.

Q: What is your favorite thing to grow in your garden at home?

A: Thunbergia (or Black-Eyed Susan Vine) vines really well and flowers beautifully every few weeks throughout the summer! They are great for baskets and climbing on trellises and are rated one of the best climbers that attract pollinating bees. These sun-loving plants, are easy to grow and will let you know if they need extra care.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like customers to know about our Garden Center?

A: We carry a lot of oddities here! Heirloom varieties that you can’t find at your traditional garden center are found at the VFC. We love weird and are your one-stop shop for unusual plants. And, if you can’t find a specific item here, I can tell you where you can find it locally.


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