Give Where You Live (GWYL) is an owner-powered giving program that strengthens our community by raising awareness and essential funds for local non-profits that provide important services in our area.

how it works:

Each October, co-op owners can nominate local schools and non-profits for the GWYL ballot. Each November, we hold an election for owners to vote on the organizations they choose to support. The eleven organizations with the most votes become the recipients for the next year’s register round-up program. The twelfth recipient is the Viroqua Food Co+op Cooperative Community Fund.

the donation:

The GWYL donation is comprised of:

  1. The generous support of co-op owners and shoppers who round-up their transactions at the registers.

  2. Other monetary donations that are collected at the registers.

  3. The co-op donates 1% of every second Wednesday’s sales.

Together we make a difference.

March Round Up Recipient

2025 Give Where You Live Recipient Schedule

January Living Faith Food Pantry

February Red Lou Library, Inc.

March Friends of Vernon County Parks and Forests

April Vernon Trails

May Driftless Humane Society

June Friends of Kickapoo Valley Reserve

July WDRT-Driftless Community Radio

August Valley Stewardship Network

September Couleecap Inc.

October VFC Cooperative Community Fund

November McIntosh Memorial Library

December Community Hunger Solutions


Congratulations, co-op community! With your generosity, we have raised and donated over $250,000 to local organizations through GWYL!



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Other ways we donate


community fund


