National Co+op Grocers
National Co+op Grocers (NCG) is a business services cooperative for retail food co-ops located throughout the United States. Today, NCG supports 161 food co-ops operating over 230 stores in 39 states with combined annual sales of over $2.5 billion serving over 1.3 million consumer owners.
NCG is a secondary cooperative with consumer owned food co-ops as its members. The largest NCG member co-op operates 16 stores, generating over $400 million in annual sales with over 58,000 consumer owners. The smallest member co-op has less than $1 million in annual sales.
NCG provides the capacity of a chain while maintaining the autonomy of each individual co-op. We help unify food co-ops in order to optimize operational and marketing resources, strengthen purchasing power, and ultimately offer more value to food co-op member owners and shoppers everywhere.
NCG serves as a unified voice to advocate for issues that are important to food co-op owners, shoppers, and communities. Together we are working to build a sustainable food system, ensure the fair treatment of people, to protect and preserve a healthy environment, and promote the cooperative business model.
Read about our progress on these important goals in our 2023 Food Co-op Impact Report.