Events are back, baby!
Jen McCoy, Marketing Manager
“Owner participation is the key to cooperation.”
We welcome the return of events at the Viroqua Food Co+op! When people come together in camaraderie to share ideas and to learn about our cooperative it strengthens our whole community. Events are our favorite way to share information about the cooperative principles, the producers we love and the products we sell.
In March, we celebrated Wisconsin cheese with Cheese Madness! Throughout this competition nearly 100 people filled out a bracket and 400+ tasters had a chance to sample delicious Wisconsin cheeses and to cast their vote to determine the 2023 Cheese Champion! In March, we also welcomed 55 new owners with a very successful Spring Owner Drive.
*coupon no longer valid
And in April, we opened the big garage door to the Community Room to celebrate Earth Day with CSA farmers, a gardening demonstration, a BINGO game, solar panels, electric cars, and more! And we are planning more exciting events throughout the year. Stay tuned to the Events page on our website, sign up for our email, or follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) so you don’t miss a thing!
Cooperatives like ours thrive when owners take part in the business. In fact, owner participation is the key to cooperation and there are so many important ways to participate at VFC. Thank you to all who made an equity investment to become an owner of VFC and to those who run for and serve on the Board of Directors. Thank you to the owners who cast their votes and round up for their favorite non-profits and to those who vote for our Board of Directors. Thank you to all who provide feedback about our service and respond to our surveys. And thank you to every single person who shops at the Co-op. Your participation in all of these things and more makes our Co-op a vibrant and thriving center of our community and that is something to celebrate!