For the Love of Chocolate

We taste-tested these chocolate bars so you don’t have to, but don’t take our word for it!

Create your own chocolate flight
To get the most of your chocolate tasting experience, start by choosing at least three bars to taste test!

First, unwrap each bar and observe. Is it glossy, shiny, or dull? Next, break off a piece and listen. Do you hear a crisp snap? Smell your chocolate. Can you guess what it will taste like? Now it is time to taste! Put it in your mouth and let it melt on your tongue before you chew it. Note the initial flavors. As the chocolate melts, do other flavors start showing up?

Repeat steps with your other chocolate bars. Compare what descriptors others may perceive about the same chocolate, then contrast the different chocolates, side by side.

Chocolate tasting involves all of your senses and can be a unique experience for each person who is sampling! It’s a delicious way to help you find a go-to bar you absolutely love! And don’t forget – chocolate bars always make nice gifts.

Upon opening this delicious package of chocolate, a sweet spice immediately hits your nose. Each piece is clustered with soft chunks of cherries and hints of chilies that marry perfectly with the 55% cocoa of this dark chocolate. Initial chili flavors transition to deep sweet cherry and finish again on a pleasantly warm chili note.

This bar is the perfect introduction to dark chocolate. The familiar texture of shredded coconut flesh sprinkled generously throughout the bar is welcoming to your taste buds like an old friend. The cooling, tropical flavors of the chocolate and coconut melt together in sweet harmony and leaves you wanting just one more bite – bite after bite.

Don’t let this bar fool you – there is a merriment of intricacies in this bar! Enjoy the satisfying snap of this dark chocolate when breaking off the perfect bite. Savor your first piece by letting it melt on your tongue. Notice the initial bitter flavor and smoky notes the 80% cocoa content is known for. But don’t let it scare you off, the Panama is a staff favorite due to its creamy mouthfeel and complexity of flavors!


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