People Over Profit

Andrew Anderson, VFC Board

You don't have to reflect very long to understand just how fundamentally different this business structure is.

October is National Co-op Month! It's a great time to recognize how the power of cooperation makes the Viroqua Food Co+op a unique and thriving business that brings people together.

Co-ops were born from a time when the industrial, factory-produced market was overtaking small local producers and replacing hand-crafted, high-quality goods with cheaper, less expensive wares that were built on unjust and unfair labor practices. To compete with the large factories and maintain the rights of the individual workers a group of weavers in 1844 Rochdale, England set out to form a new just and equitable business model. In doing so they created the seven unifying principles that all cooperatives operate under today.

Cooperative Principles

  1. Voluntary & Open Membership

  2. Democratic Member Control

  3. Member Economic Participation

  4. Autonomy & Independence

  5. Education, Training, & Information

  6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives

  7. Concern for Community

You don’t have to reflect very long to understand just how fundamentally different this business structure is from corporations that value profits before people, and the needs of the stakeholders before the communities that support them. What started in Rochdale, England in 1844 has grown into a powerful global, respected and effective business model that spans all industries. In Vernon County alone we have over 20 cooperatively run enterprises including power and communications companies, credit unions, farmers co-ops, a worker’s co-op and of course, food co-ops!

As members of the VFC, we choose to participate and invest in becoming shared owners of the business because we value the goods and services that it provides, and we want a voice (and a vote) in the strategic direction of the co-op. We do this by participating in the democratic elections and by sharing our thoughts, ideas and concerns with the elected board of directors. Because the co-op isn’t built to serve a group of shareholders, we strive for a small net profit goal that puts our owners, employee wages & benefits and our community first!

Since 2021, even during this challenging economic time your food cooperative has managed to raise the entry level wages by over 20%. We've also raised over 50K in support of community organizations and supported local businesses and events while continuing to provide our community with the fresh, local and organic food they rely on.

The next time you make a purchase at the Viroqua Food Co+op take a moment to remember that your participation helps to make our cooperative enterprise and community stronger.


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