Celebrating 30 Years!

January in Wisconsin sparks our instincts to slow down and hibernate to keep our health, and that of our families, as our North Star. For many of us, the co-op plays a vital role in these efforts. The Viroqua Food Co+op is a community resource for nourishment and wellness – with fresh food from trusted sources and an abundant wellness department with knowledgeable staff.

In 2025, we commemorate 30 years as a co-op! Join us in celebrating all year long with articles and special events that highlight the many ways our mission-driven cooperative business serves the community.

Mark your calendar to start the new year off right with the Winter Wellness Event on Saturday, January 11th. Learn about new wellness products, meet local producers, and discover how the co-op can help you on your wellness journey.

It’s an exciting time for our co-op and a great honor to serve on the board of directors. As owner representatives, the board welcomes feedback and looks for effective ways to communicate with nearly 5000 VFC owners. We hold an Annual Meeting each October, plus several events throughout the year, where the board of directors is present to answer questions and hear feedback; owners may also get a periodic email update from our board president and can always contact board members through our website at: viroquafood.coop/board-of-directors.

As a board member, I sit on the Bylaw Review Committee. Bylaws are the legal rules and structure of our Cooperative. A periodic review ensures the policies remain relevant to the co-op and that they are up to date with Wisconsin statutes. After the review is completed, the board brings the recommended updates to co-op owners to vote during our Annual Election starting in September 2025. You can learn more about the VFC’s End Policies, current Bylaws, and co-op governance on our website at: viroquafood.coop/board-of-directors.

Every shopping trip you make helps this wonderful co-op community thrive. Together we continue our mission to positively impact the long-term health of our community and the environment through the sale of local, organic, and natural foods, and products. Here's to another 30 years!

-Shana Meshbesher, VFC board member


Discover Your Path to Wellness


30 Years of Cooperation