VFC News
Living a Low Waste Lifestyle
Humans create a lot of garbage and often toss things that can be repurposed or reused. This consumption harms our environment.
Ultimate Co-op Dad's Guide to Grilling
We asked three VFC dad's what their secrets were to the perfect summertime meal. Here's what they said
Hello, summertime!
Ah, summer! The season to nurture outdoor areas, indulge in the bountiful offerings of our locality and revel in community spirit at music festivals!
2022 Food Co-op Impact Report
It’s an exciting time to be part of a food co-op in the United States — growing numbers of people and communities are discovering their power and organizing food co-ops in their neighborhoods, while thriving food co-ops continue to grow and adapt to serve their communities well.
Good to Grow
Meet Katie-Mae, our Plants and Seeds buyer. She's got the dirt on all things Garden Center this year!
Create a Pollinator Friendly Landscape
About 75% of the world’s flowering plants rely on insects and animals for pollination, including plants that supply us with healthy and nutritious food. With pollinator populations on the decline, providing habitat and food for pollinators is more important than ever.
Events are back, baby!
We welcome the return of events at the Viroqua Food Co+op! When people come together in camaraderie to share ideas and to learn about our cooperative it strengthens our whole community.
Welcome, Spring!
For new to experienced gardeners, our Co-op has everything you need. We carry a great selection of organic seeds, soil, and compost to help get your plants off on the right foot.
Seven Healthy Habits of Environmentally Friendly Shoppers
Many of our products come from brands that have environmental conservation in their mission, which aligns with ours, too.
Earth Friendly Food Co-op
At the VFC, Earth Day is every day. Here's how the Co-op is committed to a greener planet.
Macy Knows Cheese!
You may know Macy as the bright smile behind the cheese counter at Viroqua Food Co+op. She’s helped countless people find a new cheese or locate their favorite in VFC’s artisan cheese case. Macy's goal is to make the many varieties of cheese approachable and to help people connect to and discover a cheese they love.
John Lewis Chronology of his Co-op Chapter
John Lewis, an icon of the Civil Rights Movement, died at 80-years-old on July 17, 2020. He will be remembered for a lifetime of commitment for fighting for the poor and minorities, as well as for his dedication to the American Civil Rights Movement.
Frederick Douglass and Co-ops in 1846
Frederick Douglass drew himself up to his height of just over 6 feet, looked out over the packed audience of over 1,000 - mostly millworkers - and vociferously and eloquently described his life as a slave in the United States of America. It was October 10th, 1846, and Douglass had just been warmly introduced by John Bright, a British Member of Parliament.
Cadmium and Lead in Dark Chocolate—How Dangerous?
Many of us have heard that Consumer Reports has tested dark chocolate bars sold in the US and found that most had higher levels of cadmium and lead than the maximum levels set by California.
Driftless Heart
Local and organic food in the heart of the Driftless Region. It all comes together at the Viroqua Food Co+op.
How Does Fairtrade Fight Poverty?
Fairtrade America collaborated with Wheatsville Food Co-op and local Austin artist, J Muzacz, to create a mural honoring three West African cocoa farmers
Local Farmers & Producers: Apply for the 2023 VFC Microloan!
The Viroqua Food Co+op Board of Directors welcomes local farms and small food producers to apply for our 2023 VFC Microloan. Applications are due January 27th.
Co-op Community Fund Grant Recipient
As part of the first Ridges & Rivers Book Festival to be held in Viroqua, WI in the Spring of 2023, the Driftless Writing Center, in partnership with the McIntosh Memorial Library and the Historic Temple Theatre will host writer and performer Dasha Kelly Hamilton for an all ages performance of Makin’ Cake, at Viroqua’s Historic Temple Theatre.
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